We are centrally located between Cambridge, Hobbiton, Waitomo & Rotorua on State Highway One.
Map directions at times have issues with directing you via the most simple route. If using your phone to navigate, please search for Lakeview Lodge not our address as Google Maps is not accurate.
The best option is to follow State Highway One from the direction in which you are travelling until you reach Maungatautari Road.
We are the first driveway on the left just after you turn off the main highway.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information on your transport options.

Physical Location
Lakeview Lodge Karapiro
2400 Maungatautari Road
RD2 Cambridge 3494
New Zealand
Hamilton Airport is the closest airport to Lakeview Lodge only 23 minutes away.
Auckland International & Domestic Airport is only 1 hour 55 minutes away.
Charter flights can be arranged on request.
We are fortunate to have our own helipad and are happy to receive you by way of helicopter.
We can also arrange scenic flights if this is part of your requirements during any time of your stay.
Depending on your origin of travel we will be delighted to send you the best and practical directions at your request. Please note we can arrange a rental or a driver service if you need. If you require transfers public or private we can arrange that also. If using your phone to navigate, please search for Lakeview Lodge not our address as Google Maps is not accurate.